Mediapolis Natural Health

“Headaches have been greatly decreased; almost zero pain in neck and shoulder, with increased mobility.”


“Digestion is better, much less heartburn. I had frequent arthritis pain and now have rare to mild arthritis pain. My belly fat and bloating is less and infrequent and my leg cramps are much better.”


“Before starting care I had abdominal pain, upset stomach, cramps, headaches, migraines, foggy brain, intermittent energy, poor sleep, aches and pains in legs, skin rash that dermatologist was unsuccessful at treating. I was nervous to leave the house for very long because of fear of getting sick. I was afraid to commit to things because I had no idea how I’d be feeling and if I’d have to cancel. Since starting the nutrition program I have very little stomach upset or pain, much fewer headaches and much more energy! I am also more alert, sleep better. My skin rash is gone for the first time in 2+ years. I am able to get out and go. I’m a lot more active, more outgoing and happier.”


“I have less pain, less doctor visits, and less medications.”


“I had chronic fatigue. Now I have more energy. I have lost 20 pounds, and I do not have to take as many pain medications.”


“I have been able to drink more water, eat less junk food, pay closer attention to food labels, eat more vegetables, and use more seasonings.”


“I was tired; I ached all over, and carried extra pounds. After two months, my energy has increased, I am losing weight and my overall outlook on myself has improved, and my stamina is much better than it was in the beginning.”


“I was always sore and it was hard to play sports because of it. Now I feel a lot better and I am now able to play without feeling pain and being uncomfortable.”


“I had moderate pain in upper left back area and now no pain, I’m feeling great!”


“Before I came to Mediapolis Chiropractic Center my neck was stiff and sore and getting to the point of being very difficult to turn my head. My lower back was ok and there was no improvement even after regular chiropractic visits. Most improved coming to Mediapolis Chiropractic Center is my neck! Mobility greatly increased, little to no pain or stiffness. I’m seeing actual improvement especially when I am consistent with the exercises.”


“I had lot of pain in my back, leg, shoulder and hip before coming to Mediapolis Chiropractic Center, and now it is so much better.”


“I came to Mediapolis Chiropractic Center because I could sit back, my lower back was hurting bad, 9 out of 10. And now it is a 2 out of 10, still a little discomfort, but not bad. I am feeling much better.”


“My lower back was hurting and getting up out of a chair was uncomfortable, and now since coming to Mediapolis Chiropractic Center my lower back is not hurting and getting up out of a chair is no problem.”


“I had a very sore back and right hip area and now it’s 100 times better!”
